About TriX

TriX is a software that allows fintech companies to provide their users with a service that tracks and measures the the environmental impact of their mobility habits.


Empower people to have a central role in saving our planet.

Reframed Challenge

The main problem is that people are unable to have a positive environmental impact because they are adverse to putting efforts in changing their habits. Moreover at the present, the main issue fintech players are facing is the inability to differentiate their solution with respect to the one of their competitors. This gave us an opportunity to tackle the above mentioned problem.

Solution Description

Our solution consists in a back-end process that uses GPS and payments data to track urban mobility choices of people, and score them in terms of emitted CO2. We do that by automatically detect the way the user is travelling (bike, sharing mobility, urban trasport, own vehicle) and calculate his emissions. We then provide those data to our fintech client in order to structure a rewarding process for virtuous choices.

Meet the Team

Pierpaolo Palmieri

PhD Mechanical Engineering

Domenico Pirrotta

MBA Fellow

Luca Ricci

PhD Chemical Engineering

Leonardo Rocchetti

MBA Fellow

Angela Giulia Ruberto

MBA Fellow

Matteo Sala

MBA Fellow

Isabella Timossi

MBA Fellow

SDG Partner

Enel X is leading the energy transformation all over the world. By making the complex simple, Enel X enables its clients to use technology to transform energy into new opportunities for growth and progress .