About Farmture

Farmture developed a smart feeder to monitor and improve animal health and performances in the swine industry. The product is named UnclePhil.


Empower farmers to change non-sustainable practices without giving up on performance.

Reframed Challenge

In animal farming most of the antibiotics are given for prevention purposes and not as a cure, due to the inability to identify diseases early. This leads to losses and costs for farmers and causes antimicrobial resistance, which incurs when the bacteria in a healthy animal “get used to” the antibiotic itself, hence becoming immune to it.

Solution Description

With UnclePhil, farmers will be able to identify sick animals before infections can spread on the farm.

By embedding sensors and cameras in the feeders currently used, each animal is monitored multiple times a day for various parameters which can signal the presence of a disease. The farmer will have access to this information, and will be notified if an animal presents anomalies in the behavior or in the vital parameters recorded. When the ill animal is identified, it can be treated accordingly, thus removing the need for treating all of them, with significant cost reductions for the farmer. The least antibiotics are given to healthy animals, the smaller is the chance that antimicrobial resistance can be developed. Antimicrobial resistance is projected to cause 10 M deaths every year by 2050 and cause huge economic losses.

Meet the Team

Alessandro Bortoletto

MBA Fellow

Francesco Canossi

MBA Fellow

Fabio Cermelli

PhD Computer Engineering

Lorenzo Chiavarini

MBA Fellow

Sara Mainiero

MBA Fellow

Fiorella Sibona

PhD Robotics & Control Engineering

SDG Partner

Royal DSM is a global, purpose-led, science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living.

DSM addresses with its products and solutions some of the world’s biggest challenges while simultaneously creating economic, environmental and societal value for all its stakeholders – customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large.